The Veggie Box - About Us

The Veggie Box - Fruit and Vegetable Supply in Geraldton

Welcome to our Fruit and Vegetable Supply, delivery service!

We are a family-owned fruit and vegetable delivery business based in Geraldton, WA.  We started our business with the aim of providing fresh, locally grown produce to our community.

At our micro farm, we use regenerative farming and organic methods to grow our fruit and vegetables.  We believe in taking care of the land we grow on and prioritizing sustainable agriculture practices.  By doing this, we dot only provide our customers with the freshest produce possible, but we also help to preserve our environment.

We take pride in the quality of our produce and the relationships we build with our customers.  As a family-owned business, we are dedicated to ensuring that every customer feels like a part of our community.  We understand the importance of eating healthy and supporting local businesses, and we strive to make this easy for our customers.  

Our commitment to providing fresh, locally grown produce to the Geraldton community is at the core of everything we do.  We are excited to be a part of the local food movement and look forward to serving our community for years to come.  Thank you for choosing us as your local fruit and vegetable delivery service. 

Fruit and Vegetable Supply and Regenerative Farming

At The Veggie Box we feel that regenerative farming is extremely important in the future of fruit and vegetable supply.  Regenerative farming is a holistic approach to agriculture that aims to improve soil health, increase biodiversity, and store carbon in order to create a more sustainable and resilient fresh fruit and vegetable supply system. This farming practice focuses on the idea that agriculture can actually help to heal the land and the environment rather than just sustain it.

The main principles of regenerative farming are to prioritize soil health and biodiversity, reduce the use of chemicals and pesticides, and promote natural systems and cycles. This means that farmers who practice regenerative farming use techniques such as crop rotation, cover cropping, composting, and reduced tillage to build soil health and fertility. They also use natural pest management techniques and avoid the use of synthetic chemicals and pesticides.

Regenerative farmers also prioritize biodiversity by planting a variety of crops and creating habitats for beneficial insects and wildlife. This promotes a more balanced ecosystem and reduces the risk of pests and diseases.

The ultimate goal of regenerative farming is to create a farming system that is sustainable, resilient, and beneficial for both the land and the people who depend on it. By using these practices, The Veggie Box are able to produce healthy, nutrient-dense food while also improving the health of the environment.

Organic Farming to Produce The Best Quality Fruit and Vegetables for You.

Organic agriculture is a method of farming use by us at The Veggie Box to produce the best quality of Fruit and Vegetables for delivery to you.  Organic farming emphasizes the use of natural systems and processes to produce fruit and vegetables while minimizing the use of synthetic chemicals and pesticides. Organic farming is based on the principles of sustainability, soil health, and biodiversity.

One of the key features of organic agriculture is the use of natural fertilizers such as compost and manure, which help to build soil fertility and health. Organic farmers also use techniques such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and intercropping to maintain soil health and reduce the risk of pests and diseases.

In addition, organic agriculture prohibits the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and irradiation. Instead, organic farmers use a variety of natural pest management techniques such as crop rotation, mechanical weeding, and the use of beneficial insects and natural predators to control pests and diseases.

Organic farming also prioritizes biodiversity by promoting the use of crop diversity and the protection of natural habitats for beneficial insects and wildlife. This helps to create a more balanced ecosystem and reduce the risk of pest and disease outbreaks.

Overall, organic agriculture is focused on creating a sustainable and healthy food system that prioritizes soil health, biodiversity, and natural systems and processes. By using these methods, organic farmers are able to produce healthy, nutritious food while also protecting the environment and reducing the use of synthetic chemicals and pesticides.

Have you found our Fruit and Vegetable Delivery service on Facebook yet?

Please come and check out our Facebook page. We are on there regularly with new products and lots of fun facts and information, all about fruit & veggies, but more about a fun, healthy active lifestyle. We'd love to hear from you on our page, so be sure to leave comments.

We are on Instagram too. Follow us to see all our Fruit and Vegetable delivery updates and healthy ideas.

Are you regularly on Instagram? So are we. Come and follow us to keep updated and inspired to live a healthy active lifestyle with our weekly fruit and vegetable delivery boxes.

Follow us on Twitter for updates and fun facts. All about Fruit and Vegetable delivery and how it gets to you.

The birds are all singing in our garden. What they are saying is all pretty good about the fruit and vegetable delivery service we have right here in Geraldton. Come and find out what we hear.